Charles, no disrespect but I had to stop reading your article. The reason? It could be that my understanding of "Your Authentic Self" is wrong or you haven't actually dig deep to understand what it means when we talk about it. When we talk about your authentic self, it's simply your natural embodiment of who you are. Because each one of ( Over 8 billion earthly population), everyone is unique. Our uniqueness lies in the areas of our gifts and the purpose for which we exist. Some have multiple gifts, so their authentic self encompasses many different things. But it doesn't change the fact that those different things together make them who they are. And based on what you want to do, you pick one and go at it and you can do or be the other things later. And when it comes to one's authentic self, they could discover it their childhood and live through it until the end of time. Others discover theirs later in life at different times of their lives. But it does change the fact, it's who you are and discovering it earlier on or not, you have to discover it and live it. Because, it's who you. So, like I’ve said, unless I don't understand the phrase buy if I do, you're wrong with your description of it. And if I am siding with you? I'm taking from a perspective of what you've described as we not letting our circumstances define as and accept them to who we are. If that's what you mean by your article, I could understand you. But for your description of the authentic self? Body you got it wrong.